Easy Gold Farming Guide for Elder Scrolls Online

Easy Gold Farming Guide for Elder Scrolls Online

Making Elder Scrolls Online Gold in The Elder Scrolls Online can be a bit daunting task, especially for newer players. Fear not, as we will explain several effective, yet simple methods of making a steady amount of income while playing through the game’s story and multiplayer content. Whether you are collecting money to buy a specific set of expensive equipment, or buy a house of your own (and furnish it), these tips will help you in earning a steady amount of income.


Even though level itself isn’t as important in Elder Scrolls Online as it used to be before the One Tamriel update, most players are at Level 50 and above Champion Rank 160, which means most low-level items don’t have a profitable market – Champion 160 items are the ones which can sell really well. Resource nodes for Woodworking (tree stumps), Cltohing (material nodes), Jewelry Crafting (seams) and Blacksmithing (ore) scale to two factors – half of them will be leveled to your character’s level or Champion Rank, the other half will be leveled to the relevant crafting skill’s current level.

Loot Every Enemy

One of the primary goals of Elder Scrolls Online is to fight enemies. Fighting will increase your experience points, net you valuable items, and earn you gold. The items may be rare pieces of armor or weapons that can only be found from loot that enemies drop. These items can then be sold in Trading Guild Halls or enhanced. The stronger you are, the more enemies you can fight.

Enemies are plentiful in Tamriel. You can find enemies as you travel around the continent or they will find you. If you want to get richer, you’ll need to loot every single enemy you defeat. Even if other players join in on the fight, as long as you contribute 3% of damage to an enemy or a group of aggressive creatures, you will receive something. Loot dropped from enemies is completely random. Everyone gets their own rewards, so you don't have to fight others to get what you've earned.

Repeat Dungeon Battles

There are numerous main and side quests in Elder Scrolls Online. Once you defeat the main threat, the battle is over and you will receive your reward. Fighting the non-bosses can be repeated, but not the story lines. You can return to most areas to find that enemies have respawned. You can defeat them in battle repeatedly to earn loot and coin. By backtracking, you may also find rare items and coin you may have missed on your first way through the area.

ESO’s enemy spawn rate is high. If you remain in an area long enough, you may find that an enemy you just defeated is standing behind you. In an area that is part of a quest, you will have no problem finding enemies to defeat. Grinding battles with these enemies is an easy, though tedious, way to earn more loot, experience, and gold.

Daily Crafting Writs

Once a character reaches Level 5, players can be certified to do seven daily crafting writs, one for each discipline:








The first step is certification. The Jewelry crafting certification is done in the town of Alinor in Summerset. Players can become certified in the other six disciplines in any of the major cities across Tamriel.

These writs can be done in less than 15 minutes per character. Doing the seven crafting writs can net 4,648 gold per day or 32,536 per week per character if doing them every day.

Multiply that by eight characters (the default number of characters that can be had in an account) and it becomes just over 260,000 gold per week. This makes the daily writs one of the most efficient ways to make gold.


This is another broad topic. Ensure that you keep an eye out when you are out in Tamriel doing what you do for things such as raw materials, chests and containers.

Raw Materials

Raw Materials often sell for more than Refined Materials as other players want to refine the materials themselves for crafting experience and a chance to receive crafting upgrade materials. If you collect all of the materials that you find in your travels you will build up a stock pile which you can sell to other players.

Alchemy Ingredients

Plants, flowers and mushrooms all sell to player who make potions so collect these when you see them. Bugloss, Columbine, Mountain Flower, Lady’s Smock and Corn Flowers are all used in Tri-Pots and so these will always have a market.


Chests require you to unlock them with a lockpick and often contain gold and some items which can be sold or deconstructed. Some will also contain higher quality items and glyphs. Chests also give a little bit of experience as another bonus.


Cupboards, nightstands, drawers, pots, jars, desks and other containers could be holding provisioning ingredients, recipes or even a Racial Motif. If you make a habit of doing a little searching then you are likely to come across something valuable. The level 1 – 50 zones contain all of the normal Racial Motifs. The level VR1 to VR5 zones contain the Barbaric and Primal Racial Motifs and the VR 6 – VR10 zones contain the Ancient Elf, Daedric and Imperial Motifs. The rare Motifs can sell for a lot and even the normal ones can go for 100 – 400 gold. Oh and don’t forget the Dwemer Motifs can be found in containers inside Dwemer Ruins in any zone!

With the above skills, you may know tips to make more ESO Crown Crates in Elder Scrolls Online . Here is a link to get further information about How to Level Your Thief Skills Fast In The Elder Scrolls Online or Sell/Buy ESO Crown Crates ! https://www.igvault.com/ESO-Gold

Kibria Onika Ahsan

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