Mariadda is a place where people can come together to celebrate life in a meaningful way. It has been designed to make it easier for people worldwide to build communities and bring the world closer together.
Mariadda is a platform where you can entertain people and be entertained, unwind when you feel stressed, motivate others and be motivated by others. It's a place where you can share life's moments with others, and strengthen the belief that caring and sharing are the secrets to living a happy life. It's a place where your joys get multiplied, your ideas get validated, and where you can feel free to confess. Mariadda is an extension of your life.
Mariadda was officially launched on the Bengali New Year Day of 2021, despite the initial launch being made in March 2017. It took nearly four years to develop and perfect it to what it is today. Mariadda is the brainchild of Indranil Bhattacharya and is owned, managed, developed, and administered by Intelligentia Webnologies Private Limited, under a license from IndraBlue Ecommerce Venture.
Mariadda is owned by Intelligentia Webnologies Private Limited, located in Kolkata, West Bengal. Indranil Bhattacharya and Reena Jaiswal founded the organization with a focus on developing technologies to improve people's lives worldwide. Intelligentia Webnologies aims to blend technology seamlessly into our lives, making it easier to live with more meaning and purpose.
What we stand for in our creations.
It is imperative that individuals are given the opportunity to express themselves and have their viewpoints acknowledged, even in instances where this necessitates upholding the rights of those with whom we hold differing opinions.
Our services facilitate meaningful connections, fostering closer bonds between people at their best.
We are committed to ensuring that technology is within everyone's reach, and we achieve this by providing free services supported by advertisements.
Ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals is our fundamental responsibility. We are responsible for fostering collective excellence while safeguarding people and mitigating potential harm.
Our tools empower businesses to thrive, fostering job creation and bolstering the economy.
Founded: January 2019, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
CEO: Indranil Bhattacharya COO: Reena Jaiswal
Headquarter: Kolkata, West Bengal, India