Why My Account Is Disabled?

Please take note of the following reasons why your account might be disabled:

1. Incomplete personal information: Your account may be disabled if your personal information such as date of birth, phone number, email, name, profile picture, and location are incomplete for more than 48 hours. It is mandatory to provide accurate and true information.

2. Business-related profile: If your personal profile appears to be for a business entity or commercial purpose, you need to create a verified personal profile before creating a business page.

3. Inappropriate content: Attempting to publish articles or blogs that contain incorrect information or may have a negative impact on society may lead to account suspension. Ensure your account is verified before publishing any content.

4.Verification issues: If we are unable to verify your provided email or phone number, and if we are unable to reach you for verification for 72 hours, your account may be suspended. We will send notifications during this process.

5. Fake profile information: Using fake information in your profile can lead to account suspension. Please provide accurate and true information, including your real name.

6. Repeated warned behavior: Continued prohibited behavior despite previous warnings may result in account suspension.

7. Unauthorized conduct: Contacting others for harassment, advertising, promoting, or engaging in conduct that is not allowed can lead to account suspension.

8.Reports against your profile: If a report has been filed against your profile and it is found to be valid or is in the process of verification, your account may be suspended. If the report is found to be wrongful, you will be informed upon reactivation of your account.

9. Unauthorized account access: Giving access to someone else to use your account may result in account suspension.

10. Uploading infected content: Uploading content materials with viruses or malicious codes can lead to account suspension.

11.Violation of community standards: Failure to abide by the platform's community standards may lead to account suspension.

12. Unverifiable information update: If you change or update your information and we are unable to verify the provided information, your account may be suspended.

13.Inactivity: If you have not logged in for over 90 days, your profile may be kept under suspension for the security of your account.

If you believe that we have mistakenly disabled your account, please contact us at vigilance@mariadda.com.

If you want to reactivate your disabled account to make them acceptable to meet the above-mentioned criteria, please contact us at helpcentre@mariadda.com

If you haven't logged in to your disabled account for over 90 days and want to reactivate it, please contact us at helpcentre@mariadda.com.